Results for 'Francisco Rui Cádima'

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  1. Imagens e representações da ditadura portuguesa na televisão (1957-1974).Francisco Rui Cádima - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (1):56-69.
    Esta reflexão pretende pensar e dar a ver o sistema de dominação simbólico exercido pela ditadura de Salazar e Caetano através da televisão, desde o começo da televisão em Portugal até ao 25 de Abril de 1974, aquando da queda do regime. Trata-se, num primeiro momento, de observar as grandes diferenças entre os dois ditadores na utilização e instrumentalização da televisão e, de seguida, de explicitar as práticas profissionais e os principais traços históricos e políticos mais utilisados pelo sistema de (...)
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  2. La era digital: la legitimación de los medios de comunicación públicos.Francisco Rui Cádima - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 83:13-23.
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  3. Identidad y diversidad cultural. Del Audiovisual Europeo a la Europa de los ciudadanos.Francisco Rui Cádima - 2009 - Telos: Revista de Pensamiento Sobre Tecnología y Sociedad 79:32-38.
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  4. Artificial Intelligence as a Socratic Assistant for Moral Enhancement.Francisco Lara & Jan Deckers - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (3):275-287.
    The moral enhancement of human beings is a constant theme in the history of humanity. Today, faced with the threats of a new, globalised world, concern over this matter is more pressing. For this reason, the use of biotechnology to make human beings more moral has been considered. However, this approach is dangerous and very controversial. The purpose of this article is to argue that the use of another new technology, AI, would be preferable to achieve this goal. Whilst several (...)
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    Automatically elicited fear: Conditioned skin conductance responses to masked facial expressions.Francisco Esteves, Ulf Dimberg & Arne öhman - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (5):393-413.
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    Ethics, Brain Injuries, and Sports: Prohibition, Reform, and Prudence.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Mike McNamee - 2017 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 11 (3):264-280.
    In this paper, we explore the issue of the elimination of sports, or elements of sports, that present a high risk of brain injury. In particular, we critically examine two elements of Angelo Corlett’s and Pam Sailors’ arguments for the prohibition of football and Nicholas Dixon’s claim for the reformation of boxing to eliminate blows to the head based on the empirical assumption of an essential or causal connection between brain injuries incurred in football and the development of a degenerative (...)
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    Bernard Suits’ Response to the Question on the Meaning of Life as a Critique of Modernity.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):406-418.
    ABSTRACTThe Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia by Bernard Suits is one of the most influential works in the philosophy of sport. In the book, Suits investigates two fundamental issues in general p...
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    The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The study of Plato's dialogues has traditionally oscillated between two paradigms: one that portrays the dialogues as treatises expounding doctrines and one that sees them as purely skeptical, rhetorical, or literary. This collection of new essays by twelve noted Plato scholars illustrates the fruitfulness of breaking away from those paradigms, which have divided Platonic scholarship and led it to a number of dead ends. While the essays are diverse in their approaches, each seeks to find a 'third way' to understand (...)
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    How do coffee farmers engage with digital technologies? A capabilities perspective.Francisco Hidalgo, Athena Birkenberg, Thomas Daum, Christine Bosch & Xiomara F. Quiñones-Ruiz - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1707-1723.
    A reality-design gap in the conceptualization and practice of digital agriculture has been systematically reported in the literature. This condition is favored by the lack of understanding and inclusion of local worldviews around digital technologies. Informed by Amartya Sen’s capabilities approach, this study looks to bring stories of local appropriation to the spotlight. Based on a qualitative approach that included data collected through interviews with 73 households, the authors explored the way in which two selected communities of Colombian coffee growers (...)
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    Seeking and Confronting Self-Imposed Challenges Set One Free: Suits, Psychoanalysis, and Sport Philosophy.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2023 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):105-121.
    Since Sigmund Freud developed and popularized psychoanalysis, this psychological theory has significantly influenced contemporary thinking, particularly in philosophical disciplines focused on understanding human behavior and addressing social problems. Take the examples of political philosophy, race theory, and feminist thought, among many others. However, although sport philosophy qualifies as one such discipline, scholars in this field have given little to no attention to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytical theorists. Remarkably, psychoanalytical notions, especially those of Eric Berne and Norman O. Brown, significantly shaped Bernard (...)
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    Will robots ever play sports?Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & José Luis Pérez Triviño - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):67-82.
    This paper addresses the possibility of robots engaging in sports. Recently, several movies like Ex-Machina, Chappi, and Transcendence challenge the spectator to think of the consequences of creating artificial intelligences. Although we refer to athletes who have outstanding sporting performances as machines, for example, in cycling people say ‘the cyclist looked like a machine with wheels,’ the potential participation of such AI in sport has not been addressed. For our argument’s sake, we will assume that the creation of human-like robots (...)
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  12. Interpretations of Einstein’s Equation E = mc 2.Francisco Flores - 2005 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (3):245-260.
    Interpretations of Einstein’s equation differ primarily concerning whether E = mc2 entails that mass and energy are the same property of physical systems, and hence whether there is any sense in which mass is ever ‘converted’ into energy. In this paper, I examine six interpretations of Einstein’s equation and argue that all but one fail to satisfy a minimal set of conditions that all interpretations of physical theories ought to satisfy. I argue that we should prefer the interpretation of Einstein’s (...)
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    Incommensurability and Balancing.Francisco J. Urbina - 2015 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 35 (3):575-605.
    A common objection to the use of balancing tests in human rights adjudication is that it is not possible to perform a quantitative comparison between gains and losses for rights or the public good by means only of rational criteria. Here I provide a general account of the incommensurability objection, with the aim of making explicit its scope, and of dispelling some common misconceptions surrounding it. Relying on this account, I engage with recent defences of balancing against the incommensurability objection.
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  14.  24
    Isócrates y el crítico anónimo del Eutidemo de Platón.Francisco Villar - 2020 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 39 (2):169-191.
    El presente artículo propone una lectura del Eutidemo de Platón a partir de la escena que tiene lugar en el prólogo del diálogo, en el cual un personaje misterioso critica a Sócrates y a los hermanos erísticos por la conversación que acaba de tener lugar. Defenderé que esta figura anónima esconde a Isócrates, quien en Contra los sofistas y Encomio de Helena había atacado a todos los discípulos de Sócrates por dedicarse a un tipo de actividad intelectual a su juicio (...)
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  15. Plato’s Lysis.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1995 - Ancient Philosophy 15 (1):69-90.
  16.  21
    A Critique of Proportionality.Francisco Urbina - 2012 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 57 (1):49-80.
  17. Shattering Presence: Being as Change, Time as the Sudden Instant in Heidegger's 1930–31 Seminar on Plato's Parmenides.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2019 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 57 (2):313-338.
    a central thesis of martin heidegger's first reading of a Platonic dialogue, the 1924/25 course on the Sophist, was that, "for the Greeks, being means precisely to be present, to be in the present [Anwesend-sein, Gegenwärtig-sein]."1 Heidegger saw this Greek interpretation of being as leading to Plato's specific interpretation of being as eidos or idea. Heidegger makes this clear in the following passage from another Plato course, the 1931–32 course On the Essence of Truth: "'Idea' is the look [der Anblick] (...)
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    Sobre la filosofía en América.Francisco Romero - 1952 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Raigal.
  19.  17
    A busca schopenhaueriana das identidades fundamentais: a influência platônica.Francisco William Mendes Damasceno - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e11.
    Apesar da declaração, por parte do próprio Schopenhauer, de que a sua noção de Ideia deve ser entendida no mesmo sentido da Ideia platônica, estas não são idênticas, e apesar da declarada pretensão de filiação filosófica, é preciso ter em mente as divergências entre essas concepções para bem compreender a noção schopenhaueriana de filosofia como metafísica. Do mesmo modo que Schopenhauer se pretende kantiano mas transforma radicalmente a filosofia transcendental de Kant, o mesmo ocorre com a Ideia platônica na composição (...)
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    Signals Crossed.Dana Francisco Miranda - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (3):59-65.
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    (1 other version)El retrato platónico de los sofistas del siglo V a. C.Francisco Villar - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía 46 (1):81-98.
    En este trabajo me propongo comparar el patrón argumentativo de los sofistas del siglo V a. C. tal como son retratados en la obra de Platón con el de los erísticos del Eutidemo. Defenderé que ninguno de estos sofistas es presentado por Platón como experto en dialéctica refutativa, actividad discursiva que caracteriza a la erística. Por el contrario, el retrato platónico de Pródico, Hipias, Gorgias y Protágoras los muestra como incapaces, desinteresados u hostiles a la argumentación de tipo dialéctica.
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    La filosofía iberoamericana: historia, formas, temas, polémica, realizaciones.Francisco Larroyo - 1978 - México: Editorial Porrúa.
  23. Competencies of Basic Education Teachers and Performance of Learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test in the Philippines.Ronald Francisco & Manuel Caingcoy - 2022 - Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif 12 (2):545-557.
    Objectives: The study determined the competencies of teachers and performance of learners in 2017-2018 National Achievement Test. It identified the influence of teachers’ competencies on performance of learners. Methods: It employed descriptive-correlational and explanatory designs and it involved three divisions in Northern Mindanao region, Philippines. Findings: The Grade 10 and 6 teachers have possessed very satisfactory competencies across areas, while the Grade 10 and Grade 6 learners had a low mastery and very low mastery, respectively. Furthermore, there was no significant (...)
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  24. Bentham and Mill on the "Quality" of Pleasures.Francisco Vergara - 2011 - Revue d'Etudes Benthamiennes 9 (2011):web.
    John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham are often said to have held opposed views concerning the way “the value” of different pleasures should be estimated. Mill is accused of being an inconsistent utilitarian because he thought that, when comparing the value of two pleasures, we should not forget to take their “quality” into account. Bentham, on the other hand, is said to have believed that we should take “only quantity” into consideration. By verifying what they actually wrote, and reflecting on (...)
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    The Theory of Chemical Symbiosis: A Margulian View for the Emergence of Biological Systems.Francisco Prosdocimi, Marco V. José & Sávio Torres de Farias - 2020 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (1):67-78.
    The theory of chemical symbiosis suggests that biological systems started with the collaboration of two polymeric molecules existing in early Earth: nucleic acids and peptides. Chemical symbiosis emerged when RNA-like nucleic acid polymers happened to fold into 3D structures capable to bind amino acids together, forming a proto peptidyl-transferase center. This folding catalyzed the formation of quasi-random small peptides, some of them capable to bind this ribozyme structure back and starting to form an initial layer that would produce the larger (...)
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    Argumentos antisténicos en el eutidemo de platón.Francisco Villar - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (147):699-721.
    RESUMEN Una interpretación extendida del Eutidemo sostiene que la práctica erística de la cual Platón busca distanciarse en el diálogo constituye una referencia velada a la dialéctica desarrollada por el socrático Euclides y sus seguidores megáricos. No obstante, los expertos reconocen que la segunda demostración erística pone en boca de Eutidemo y Dionisodoro dos posiciones que fueron defendidas por Antístenes, según las cuales no es posible decir falsedades ni contradecir. Este trabajo busca analizar las refutaciones de dicha sección y confrontarlas (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Understanding Origins. Contemporary Views on the Origin of Life.Francisco J. Varela & Jean-Pierre Dupuy - forthcoming - Mind and Society. Dordrecht, Boston, London.
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  28. Metaphysical Disputation V: Individual Unity and its Principle.Francisco Suárez & Jorge J. E. Gracia - 1982
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    Multi, inter y transdisciplinariedad.Francisco José Paoli Bolio - 2019 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:347-357.
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  30. Dialectic and dialogue in the hermeneutics of Paul ricœur and H.g. Gadamer.Francisco J. Gonzalez - 2006 - Continental Philosophy Review 39 (3):313-345.
    The present paper uses the theme of dialectic and dialogue to begin unraveling the similarities and differences between the hermeneutics of Paul Ricoeur and H.G. Gadamer. Ricoeur is shown to distance himself from Heidegger by insisting on a dimension of explanation and distanciation (which he sometimes identifies with Plato's `descending dialectic') that cannot be reduced to, or absorbed by, understanding and appropriation. This same move, however, leads him to reject Platonic dialogue, with the attendant prioritizing of oral conversation over the (...)
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    Brain-Injured Footballers, Voluntary Choice and Social Goods. A Reply to Corlett.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & Michael John McNamee - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):269-278.
    In this essay, we respond to Angelo Corlett’s criticism of our paper ‘Ethics, Brain Injuries, and Sports: Prohibition, Reform, and Prudence’. To do so, first, we revisit certain assumptions and arg...
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    No-ser, falsedad y contradicción: la segunda demostración erística del Eutidemo y el problema de lo falso en el Sofista.Francisco Villar - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:11-37.
    This work proposes an interpretation of Euthydemus 283c-288b taking into account the problem of the false in the Sophist. My hypothesis will be that the second eristic demonstration of the Euthydemus can be understood as a representation of Sophist 236d-239b: while in this passage there it is the Stranger is the one who states what the sophist would say to defend himself from the seventh definition, in which he is accused of producing falsehoods, in the Euthydemus two sophists are who (...)
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  33. Causa Efficiens versus Causa Formalis: origens da discussão moderna sobre a dimensionalidade do espaço.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 1994 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciência (UNICAMP) 4 (2):43-64.
    Metascientific criteria used for explaining or constraining physical space dimensionality and their historical relationship to prevailing causal systems are discussed. The important contributions by Aristotle, Kant and Ehrenfest to the dimensionality of space problem are considered and shown to be grounded on different causal explanations: causa materialis for Aristotle, causa efficiens for young Kant and an ingenious combination of causa efficiens and causa formalis for Ehrenfest. The prominent and growing rôle played by causa formalis in modern physical approaches to this (...)
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    Russell's logicist definitions of numbers, 1898–1913: chronology and significance.Francisco Rodríguez Consuegra - 1987 - History and Philosophy of Logic 8 (2):141-169.
    According to the received view, Russell rediscovered about 1900 the logical definition of cardinal number given by Frege in 1884. In the same way, we are told, he stated and developed independently the idea of logicism, using the principle of abstraction as the philosophical ground. Furthermore, the role commonly ascribed in this to Peano was only to invent an appropriate notation to be used as mere instrument. In this paper I hold that the study of Russell's unpublished manuscripts and Peano's (...)
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  35. A Critique of Elie Halévy: Refutation of an Important Distortion of British Moral Philosophy.Francisco Vergara - 1998 - Philosophy 73 (283):97 - 111.
    The prestigious French publisher Presses Universitaires de France has recently brought out (November 1995) a new French edition of Elie Halévy's well known book "The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism", first published in France in three volumes as "La formation du radicalisme philosophique" (1901-1904) and translated into English in 1926. The prevailing opinion on this book is that it gives an excellent account of English utilitarianism. Thus, in the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences, Talcott Parsons speaks of it as the ‘virtually (...)
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  36. O Espaço em Aristóteles: da bidimensionalidade do topos às seis diastaseis que definem os animais.Francisco Caruso - forthcoming - Anais de Filosofia Clássica.
    Within the general discussion of space and its dimensionality, Aristotle's position is of the greatest relevance, as one will have the opportunity to argue and discuss in this article.
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    Poverty and Inequality: The Global Context.Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Martin Ravallion - 2011 - In Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan & Timothy M. Smeeding, The Oxford Handbook of Economic Inequality. Oxford University Press.
    This article summarizes the recent evidence on global poverty and inequality, including both developed and developing countries. Section 1 discusses poverty and inequality data and presents evidence on levels and recent trends in poverty and inequality around the world. Section 2 turns to the issues involved in aggregating inequality indices across countries, in order to construct a meaningful measure of global inequality. Section 3 discusses the empirical relationship between economic growth, poverty, and inequality dynamics. Section 4 turns to the likely (...)
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  38. Life and Space Dimensionality: A Brief Review of Old and New Entangled Arguments.Francisco Caruso - 2016 - Journal of Astrobiology and Outreach 4 (2):152.
    A general sketch on how the problem of space dimensionality depends on anthropic arguments is presented. Several examples of how life has been used to constraint space dimensionality (and vice-versa) are reviewed. In particular, the influences of three-dimensionality in the solar system stability and the origin of life on Earth are discussed. New constraints on space dimensionality and on its invariance in very large spatial and temporal scales are also stressed.
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    A Estratégia Econômica de Nietzsche Em Bm §36: Uma Alternativa À Unificação Empiriocrítica de Avenarius e Mach e Ao Paralelismo de Wundt.Francisco Rafael Leidens - 2024 - Dissertatio 59:80-111.
    O artigo pretende examinar um aspecto ainda pouco explorado no parágrafo 36 de Além do bem e do mal (BM), a saber: a função e o alcance do princípio da economia para a apresentação da hipótese da vontade de poder. A pertinência do princípio se estabelece, ao menos, a partir de Ockham e Newton, que prescrevem a simplicidade como critério para a decisão entre teorias ou explicações concorrentes. O foco aqui, no entanto, será a adesão efetivada por Richard Avenarius e (...)
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    La ética del voto y el gobierno de los pocos. A propósito de Jason Brennan y John Stuart Mill.Francisco Javier Gil Martín - 2017 - Télos 21 (1):43-71.
    In this article Jason Brennan’s arguments about the moral duties relating to our practice of voting are examined. These arguments provide an epistocratic approach of politics and present a conception of abstention at four levels: abstention as a personal choice, as a moral responsibility, as a duty legally enforceable and as an obligation decided by lot. The contrast with John Stuart Mill’s positions helps to highlight the postdemocratic ambivalences and the latent paternalism behind Brennan’s rejection of massive voting and electoral (...)
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    The moderating ideology of the Brazilian FFAA and the opinion of Hobbes and Constant.Francisco Luciano Teixeira Filho - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:145-159.
    In 2022, the Brazilian Armed Forces reaffirmed an old interventionist ideology that marked the history of the Republic of Brazil. The text seeks to show that such military ideology does not find a pretext in the history of modern political ideas. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), at first, and then Benjamin Constant (1767-1830), two ideologists who shaped today's understanding of the State, understand representative institutions in disagreement with any non-submission of the FFAA to Political Power. In this way, the ideology of military (...)
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    La Escuela de Frankfurt en clave descolonial.Francisco Manuel Abril - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:466-471.
    Reseña: Omar García Corona. Una crítica descolonial de la Escuela de Frankfurt. Buenos Aires, Poliedro – Editorial de la Universidad de San Isidro, 2021.
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    Whether or Not to Open the Pandora’s Box: An Analysis of Latent Conflict in Vulnerable Neighbourhoods with High Socio-Cultural Diversity in Spain.Francisco J. Lorenzo Gilsanz, Sergio Barciela Fernández & María Inés Martínez Herrero - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (3):285-305.
    Worldwide, vulnerable neighbourhoods of large cities are often the scene of collective violent conflicts linked with migration and ethnic minorities’ struggles for social justice. However, urban conflicts of this kind have not taken place in Spanish cities with high immigration rates, even though the country has been deeply affected by two recent socioeconomic crises (2009 and 2020). This article reports findings of a study aimed at understanding what lies behind this apparent social peace. The research methodology was based on an (...)
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    Resenha: Sobre o Mal.Francisco Leite - 2023 - Horizonte 21 (64):216416-216416.
    Resenha do Livro: EAGLETON, Terry. _Sobre o Mal_. Tradução de Fernando Santos. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 2022, 152 p. ISBN 978-65-5711-142-0.
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    For the sake of Venezuela: Power-Sharing mechanism challenges and opportunities.Francisco Salvador Barroso Cortes - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    Queda por determinar si lo que prevalecerá será una Venezuela unida en la diversidad o una dividida y presumiblemente destruida. Este artículo sugiere que las élites políticas venezolanas podrían contemplar el poder compartido como un medio para restaurar el Estado-nación. El artículo profundiza en los retos y las perspectivas de adoptar el poder compartido como estrategia de las élites no sólo para el mantenimiento de la paz, sino también, y de manera crucial, para los procesos de pacificación. Partiendo de una (...)
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    La entidad de los animales y nuestras obligaciones con ellos.Francisco Lara - 2006 - Signos Filosóficos 8 (15):105-128.
    The article analyzes two basic matters in the recent development of the zooethics. First, whether traditional reasons for the coincidence between the limits of moral community and the limits of human species are valid. Second, the question of what kind of obligations we would have with animals in..
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    Metaphysics of Biological Individuality: Arguments for a Pluralist Approach.Francisco Javier Navarro Cárdenas - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:271-290.
    Pluralistic approaches in the philosophy of biological individuality suggest that reality is divisible into multiple types of biological individuals (evolutionary, genetic, physiological, etc.). In this research I will argue in favor of this pluralistic ontology. Inspired mainly by John Dupré’s processual metaphysics, Ronald Giere’s perspectivism, and Hasok Chang’s active realism, I will suggest that: (i) biological individuals are temporarily stable nexuses in a flow of causal processes, (ii) individuations in biology represent real individuals only under the scientific perspectives that support (...)
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    Semiotics and discourse analysis.Jorge Francisco & Karl Heinz Efken - 2023 - Cognitio 24 (1):e59258.
    This article revises some of the main elements within Peirce’s general theory of signs and their relationship with discourse analysis. Our discussion focuses on the dialogues between researchers in the areas of semiotics and discourse analysis to follow up interdisciplinary studies on the processes of language signification. The article firstly relates the Peircean trivium and discourse analysis; secondly, examines Pignatari’s analysis on the relations between verbal and non-verbal codes; and, thirdly, discusses Peirce’s footprints in the development of the Linguistic Turn, (...)
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    Filosofía de ayer y de hoy.Francisco Romero - 1947 - Buenos Aires,: Argos. Edited by Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar.
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    El concepto de dialéctica en Marx.Francisco Fernández Buey, Salvador López Arnal & José Sarrión Andaluz - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:51-66.
    El presente artículo recoge una conferencia inédita. Por un lado, el autor se centra en examinar los usos impropios de la noción de dialéctica, rechazando su concepción como lógica alternativa a la formal, como ciencia o como método en un sentido estricto. Por otro lado, muestra una caracterización de la dialéctica como una «metódica» en sentido amplio que se propone captar totalidades concretas en su despliegue desde un punto de vista materialista, histórico y crítico, con finalidades emancipatorias, cuya cientificidad sólo (...)
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